Devious Fish
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Dungeons and Dragons Cross-Reference

This site contains cross-references for various D & D books. By cross-referencing everything, the hassle of determining which of several books something is in is reduced. Rudimentary data on spell details is included so that spells with the same name but different uses (for different classes, for example) can be differentiated. This is intended to be a useful tool in addition to, but not a replacement for, the books themselves.



Submitting files

If you have a book that's not cross-referenced, you can submit it, preferably as a plain-old text file, UTF-8 encoded. Here are pieces of a file with some comments:
contact <> Perette Barella
System  Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Book    The Complete Druid's Handbook
Short   Druid's Handbook
Abbrev  Druids
Edition 2
ISBN    1-56076-886-X
# Header order isn't important.
# Groups are: Priest, Wizard, Item, Herbal, Table
Group   Priest
Level   1
# Data lines are composed of colon-separated fields.
# Item/Spell name is always first.  Other fields occur in any order.
# A number is the page number, an unnamed field is the school or category.
# Expand spheres of the form 'Elemental (Air, Water)' to 'Elemental (Air),
# Elemental (Water)'.
Beastmask:Illusion/Phantasm:Sphere Animal:86
Puffball:Alteration:Sphere Plant:87
Whisperward:Alteration:Sphere Guardian, Weather:87
Animal Spy:Divination:Sphere Animal:87
Beastspite:Enchantment/Charm:Sphere Animal:88
Fortifying Stew:Necromancy:Sphere Healing:88
# To continue a line across a carriage-return,
# put a colon at the end of one line and at the start of the next.
# Here's a sample with a reversible spell:
Transmute Water to Dust:aka Water to Dust:Alteration:
        :Reverse Transmute Dust to Water:aka Dust to Water:
        :Sphere Elemental (Water), Elemental (Earth):291
# If a reverse spell doesn't have a name, just tag it Reversible.
Succor:Alteration, Enchantment:Reversible:Sphere Summoning:299
# Comments start with a #.
# Here's what a Web spell will look like, when supported:
Aerate Dead:Necromancy:Sphere Necromantic, Elemental (Air):http #aeratedead
# The tag after http will just get added to the value on http line.
For third edition:
# Use the same header.
# Use Spell instead of Priest or Mage, and use
# the Level field instead of line.  You do not have to use the sphere
# field. Use the third-edition abbreviations for classes - Brd, Clr,
# Pal, Rgr, Sor, Wiz.  Domains should be spelled out.  Unknown classes
# will be treated as a domain.
Group   Spell
Cure Critical Wounds:Conjuration (Healing):
        :Level Brd 4, Clr 4, Drd 5, Healing 4:190
Daze:Enchantment (Compulsion):Level Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0:191
Death Knell:Necromancy:Level Clr 2, Death 2:191
Deathwatch:Necromancy:Level Clr 1:191
Delay Poison:Conjuration (Healing):Level Brd 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Pal 2, Rgr 1:191
I can handle spreadsheet files too, but they need to be exported to text (sometimes called CSV files); in this case, the colons in the sample represent separate columns.

Send completed files to