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Watch New York Election Security

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In case the video chapters aren't working and you want to skip ahead, here's a list of chapter times:

 0:00 Opening
 0:25 Ballots
 0:56   Ballot Validation
 1:55   Making Corrections
 2:25   Overvote detection
 2:59   Vote Tallying
 3:22 Poll Workers
 4:46   Bipartisan Teams
 5:31 Ballot Accounting
 6:06   Morning Inventory
 6:29   Reconciliation
 6:52   Example Reconciliation
 8:23   Problem are detected
 8:53   Error Handling
 9:38 Anti-tampering
10:36 Reporting
11:58 Early Voting
13:29 Voting by Mail
16:13 Voter Validation
17:39 Other States
19:06 Summing Up
20:27 Credits

Voting Machine Setup

This supplemental video covers programming, setup and testing of voting machine ahead of election day. This video features a a lot of on-location footage and explanations by Board of Election staff.