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New York Election Security

A video by Perette Barella.

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Worried about election fraud? Not sure if it's real or not? This video goes over some of the key procedures mandated by New York State Election Law to prevent election tampering: paper ballots, bipartisan teams, ballot reconciliation, voter validation and more. It turns out, it's not as easy as the conspiracy theorists make it sound.

This video is based on New York Election Law and procedures, but if you live in a place with scanned paper ballots there is likely a lot of similarity. Even if you don't, there are likely some aspects of anti-tampering that overlap; and if not, perhaps you'll find insight for improvements your jurisdiction can make, so you can have constructive advice instead of the uninformed and unproductive ranting that is so plentiful these days.


This video is Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial. For licensing in a paid venue, please email ( so I can check if there's any license issue with any of the stock footage.


If you're curious what happens before election day, that's covered in the related video. If you're watching ad-free here, just scroll down below the main video; or, view Voting Machine Preparation on YouTube.

60 Minutes also did a piece on Election Security.