is a free, multi-source, network-controlled
music player daemon for use as central music server or scriptable
backend. It is published under the MIT license.
- Multiple sources. Add your personal music collection and multiple Pandora accounts. When listening, choose a single source or use the media manager to mix all the sources.
- Remote-control. Start, stop, choose or rate music from your web browser or phone.
- Shuffle mode. Requests get priority, but when the queue is empty pianod can pick by songs, playlist, album or artist.
- Multi-user. Share control with your family, roommates or visitors—but pianod tracks ownership, allowing only the right person to revise each collection.
- Automatic playlist selection. Each person
rates playlists, and
adjusts the mix based on who is listening. - Scriptable. Use the included
script to control playback,runmix
to set up a sequence of timed playlists, or write your own and interface via the socket interface. - Multi-protocol. Websockets or plain-old TCP, JSON or command-line/SMTP-like, plain-text or TLS secured.
- Flexible. Build with your choice of 3 media libraries, 3¾ output libraries, 5 TLS packages and 3 sources.
- Media substitutions. Save bandwidth by replacing streaming media with matching local media.
- Stable (r410): Download latest • View all
- Development versions: View all • Download latest (410) • Recent changes (SVN logs)
2025–01–09 r410 adds a timeout for new connections to prevent port scanners holding hundreds of connections open. Dropped libav check (It’s dead, Jim, and well-buried). Fixed an OS X compilation problem.
2021–05–09 The client now uses ECMAScript 6. Older browsers that don’t support EC6 can use the edition hosted here, or install the last EC5 client in a subdirectory of pianod/html.
Read details and more history…
If you encounter problems, please report them to the developer or the mailing list.
Three clients are included with pianod2
- Standard client. Made for using pianod.
- Console. Made for testing, debugging and nerds, the console provides command line access. Commands entered in one of the inputs (or selected from a list) execute, displaying results in a table.
- Viewer. The console displays album art and information in large, friendly letters. Suitable when you just want people to know what’s playing.
There’s also an “aftermarket”
Android client available. I think it’s for the original
edition pianod
, but it sort of works on v2.
Project needs
- Translators: Included are English, German, French and Spanish. Translations were done with software; there may be errors or awkward phrasing. If you want to translate for another language, or want to improve existing translations, take a look at the .lang files in the Development downloads and mail new or updated files to peretteのdeviousfish dot com. SVN access may also be arranged by request.
Similar & Related Projects
- proximmon provides presence monitoring. Configure it to tell pianod who is coming and going, and automatic playlist selection can adjust the mix automagically.
- pianod, the original version.
- Pandora’s official clients are available from Pandora.
- pianobar is a terminal-mode Pandora client (and the origin of libpiano—thanks PromyLop). It is interactive, with keystroke commands instead of full statements, but has event support which runs a shell script or whatnot to do scrobbling or other things.
- Tomahawk is another multi-source, social music player but as an application rather than a daemon.
- Elpis is a Windows Pandora client
- Pithos is a Linux Pandora client
- mserv is a similar-style jukebox for local media (and I’ve stolen back my enhanced search algorithm that those guysnever integrated into their code base.)
- mpd, the music player daemon
Thanks to all those, too numerous to list, who created and maintain the included and non-included packages. Thanks also to those responsible for the tools and artwork on which pianod depends: Dimitri van Heesch for Doxygen, Microsoft for TypeScript, everyone behind C++ and the STL, Liz Aragon for the piano and football/soccer ball, Fletcher Penny for multimarkdown, CodeLite for making a decent Linux IDE, Subversion for providing good source control, and Linux Mint for making a pleasurable distro to an escaped Mac user.